falling into years

Wednesday, April 5

hey, Im back
gosh...wenying seems sooo tired neh...but you seem to be having fun lor!!!!!!!! got all those enrichment to do!!!!!!!!=) Lucky you!!!
had mock test for IPU and SBJ today. sighs. as usual, failed IPU la. can only do ne la!!!!!!!!!! Stupis idiot...why must they raise the satndards to pass???!!! Grrrr. Gotta train and start doing pumpings everyday=) But nvm...got Kryshelle pei me!*^^* At least la!!
The SC nominees were having their intro today during contact time....it was sooooo long...fanny esther simin and i started fiddling with our phones and aking pics!!=) luckily we were sitting at the upper gallery!! hehehe.=)

Haiz. It's gonna be a looong night for me later...gotta re-do my Pi and all. sighs. I HATE PW!!!!!!!!!!!
stupid pig. GRRRR!!!!!!!!!! and I stil have officialling to do tml....-_-"" God knows what mess I've gotten myself into. Was reporting for duty on tuesday....and the teacher wrote down my name for time keeping and all...i agreed and guess what happened a few moments later? some idiotic person msged me and told me to go home cause Grp D's duty has been postponed to Thu. !!!!!!!!!!!!! why didnt the msg come earlier la.....so i only reached home at like 9pm yest.-_-"" dead beat. AHHH!!!!!!!!

there's econs, geog and maths test next week. (which I dun understand at all!)
I think I'll be brain dead.
someone pls remb to perforn some sorta cpr or whatever if i do happen to pass out from shock (frm all the questions)

estee went to put IT club first choice!!!
she says she gets scared visiting homes.=S
ya. and added that her friends will all start laughing at her if she's joining leo and visiting homes. Wah!
haha...actually she looks so innocent. But anyway looks can be deceiving!!
she shld be fine if she doesnt start pointing her middle fingure..or vulgarity-ing. heheh=P

im like crapping now.
gosh. eevrything is just soooo disorganized!!!!
it's a looooong week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!cant wait for next wk to be over!
i think i shld b doing my PI now.

tata....*fading off,


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