falling into years

Wednesday, March 22

Hey hey!

Seems that I really like the only one crapping hee these days.-_-""
My new classmates are pretty nice people!=) Hahaa..and the class isn't all that westernized anymore!*^^* went for cg lunch at parkway yesterday*^^*

Jingxy is such a PIGGGG!!!! Wah! Took my phone during econs tutorial and sent a msg to fanny saying...." fanny, ur zhu ba jie. Hahaha.." -_-""""""""" Wah la! felt like strangling him!!!!!! and to think that fanny was just asking if we wanted to have lunch tgt.-_-""
Gosh. Sometimes I seriously wonder if we should just blame it on plain misfortune that we have such an ENDEEEEARING classmate.-_-"""" Hahaz...anyway, nothing much happened today. And for the first wednesday since sch started...I did not go for practice!! Finaalllly....mustered up enough courage to msg the person!!!!! Wahahhahaha!!!!!!

Im liberated!!!!=)

Anyway....just somehow I got "embroiled" to join chc like some time ago. Cant believe how could actully mess myself up like that. (apparently Kitwei broght me there, I was only supposed to accomapny her for service since we've not met for some time!) And one thing led to another...bla bla bla..I landed up at their cell grp at the chalet last week....with all the over-zealous people all around me. Seiously..I cant believe myself. But luckily....dear sylvia heer managed to tell her friend firmly that she doesnt wanna convert or join a church. hehe...that's the good thing. The bad thing? Kitwei dear hasn't contacted me ot anything ever since my last super duper long msg. Sighs.


ps) WAHH!!! adriano got booted!!!!!!! WAh!!! *cries* ='(

pps) Hi jeanie!! Ru feelign better?=) mc ends this friday right? ru going back to sch or resting for a bit more at home?*^^* anyways...don't think so much k? just enjoy whatever you have now!=)


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