falling into years

Sunday, March 5

hey people. Im finally back online, being able to actually log onto the thing. But anyway, was reading through Jeanie's post (believe me, I don't find it lengthy at all)..and it's lile huge gush of feelings went overwhelming me. That post seriously sounded really..extremely, trememdously sad. It's soo pessimistic!

Jeanie!!!!!!! Try to look beyond that bleak and dark tunnel!!!!!! I know it is hard. I know it is dfficult..and somehow, it doesn't even seem that very possible after all But at least....try to look at things from another perspective! Instaed of treating this whole thing as a dream...why don't you treat it as a real experience. All that you are feeling right now are your truest emotions and feelings, so why choose delusion over reality? Why run away from all that you are feeling now? All these things you've been through actualy mould you, shape you into who you are. Every single setback or rock you stumble upon adds an extra bit of courage and strength into you. Think on the brighter side, at least you've been thrugh some of the things that others may not, so you can actually grow, mature and benefit from it!=)

CS Lewis once said that "experience are the most brutal of all teachers. But you learn. My God do you learn." Ya...It's always difficult to take te first step fprward. No one actually has it easy picking herself up again after a deafeat. But then again....you question yourself....is that all my heart and soul can bear? Obviously it is not. Jeanie, you're definitely much more than what you think you can do, and bear. Trust me! Speaking of strength, I once read that the human spirit can be stronger than anything it stumbles upon, if you set it to. Pain and suffering is inevitable..but being miserable is optional!

I know you must be feeling a disappointment that's toally out of the world. Somehting that you think that perhaps no one will ever understand. But nothing is really finalised yet. Not until after next week, at least. You know you deserve much better than that...and all of us believe that you will NOT be dictated by some bloody computer system. It's perfectly ok if you're not landing up in the best lot, just as long as you'be given all that you've got. Cliche..but it's true! We cant expect the same of ourselves as the others. We cant possibly be chasing after that person in front of us all through our life!

ya, and I suppose that's all I wanna say...hopefully it'll make you feel better ya? =)

" The sun does not shine for a few trees and flowers. but for the wide world's joy"
~ Henry Ward Beecher

PS) I really greatly notably seriously immensely terribly extremely trememdously awfully unbelievably painfully unthinkably. miss you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All my love,


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