falling into years

Saturday, March 11

Reporting reporting!!

Ooohh...lala!=) Wah! Im back again, sending my warmest greetings to all my hao jie meis. So how has everything been going on? Good, bad, great?? nahz, I just ended O2 yesterday night. Frankly speaking, Voyage 2 isn't that great as the first one. Kinda boring at times, and the schedule was a lil messed up!

We went for dragon boating at Kallang on wednesday..oh my!!!! It's damn fun!!!!!!!!=D Even though the person said we looked like caterpilars initially..-_-" But it's ok!!It's definitely one of the best experience I've had!!=)

We knew our Cg allocation on Thursday..and I felt soo cheated. The main reason I chose to stay at TJ was mostly because of the fabulous people I have in my class...and guess what? Even though I am still in 34..there's like only Pris, Esther, Beverly, Jing Xian, Claire,Shu Juan and Delin (successful appeal)left. The class is VERY big...almost 30 peeps..and there's only 4 guys. Wah! I think we can break a school record le!!!! And having Shaun leaving was like kinda bad already..not to mention dear Estee and all the people taking Physics are posted to 22. (That's Fanny's class by the way!) Rach took Hist nstead of Geog...so she's in our neighbour class. I think it's like quite scary now, it's like everywhere I go, there's no familiar faces. Gosh. is the turnover rate THAT high???!!!!! And Sheereen who came during O night was equally shocked and lost. Sighx. Eventually ..we still cant get the best of both worlds!!=(

Yes, but nonetheless, we skipped orientation on THu and Fri! Wah!!! I felt soo bad initially, but cant help it. The programmme was seriously kinda...un-appealing. Esther, Rach ,Jinxy and I watched Date Movie on Thu. And guess who I saw again?? Jialin!!!!!!!!! Wah!!!!!!!! I kept meeting her everywhere I go!! Played pool for two times and there she was..and she watched the same movie too. Apparently that show is seriously sick. sick humour la! Totally outta point sometimes!!! It's crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My first nc16 flick in the cinema...and it's like...-_-"""". Lotsa sexual references and all! Esther''s right. We should just stick to PG next time.-_-"" Stop corrupting and polluting my innocent mind can??!!!!!!! =P

Yea, went for Nanny McPhee yesterday..with esther estee jingxy and FANNY DEAR!=D Predictable but heart-warming movie!!!=) Aggie is just soooo cute!!!!! The lil baby!!! =) But apparently...my lao mao bing was acting up again yesterday. Was having diarrhoea lah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh...the stomach churning here and there....reminds me of a pencil sharperner.-_-"" Had to buy the carbon pills at TM to last thru O night! -_-"" Wonder if I wll have constipation for the next few days....-_-" I swear Im not gonna drink milk which has it's expiry date approaching!!!!!!!!!!!!>_<"""

Yupz. So what's up for my hols?? guitar...and some serious mugging to do le. Totally cant catch up for school work. Gosh. Sounds like a no-lifer. But whatever la!!! I've heard horror stories about Tj's June common tests lor!!!!! Don't wanna get red marks all over!!!!!!!!!!!! Which I seriosuly think it's rather possible for me! GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sighs. Right people..and Fanny, we'll all work hard together! I know ahving make-up lectures all the way till May is no easy feat man!!!!!! But we must catch up during hols k?=) Soooo excited!!!!!!*^^*

Yes....and Kenneth bro has lost his IC!! WAH!!!! It's his turn this time..and he didn't even dropped his wallet or anything...the card just slipped out. he's seriously ridiculously down on luck la! Nothing to say man!

Yes...so that's all of my report for this week....do tell me what has been going on at your side ya?=) we'll update more when we meet!!!!=) Mucks!!!!!=) Miss ya all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ps) I feel like quitting guitar la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! struggling with it every practice!!! Winne's friend said that air rifle is damn slack..and it's soo cool!!! Just that e rifle is a lil too heavy..bt no worries!!!! maybe I'll just join it with Winne!!!*^^*



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