falling into years

Friday, March 31

hey hey hey!!!
haha..im at the hub now with estee and fanny..waiting for the beta n-2 campfire to start. But stupid lah...it's like raining now...-_-"" And anyway, I feel like shitting. So horrible...it's like when im having functions at night...I feel like going to the toilet. Grrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>_<""

yupz, anyways, we went gor our first leo club general meeting just now!!! having home visit next saturday!!! Im like psycho-ing estee and fanny to come along!*^^* Wah!!!!!!! it'll be fun!!!!!! even if it means i have to re-learn all my mass dance...sighs.-_-""

Hehhe...went for subway just now for lunch!!!! Had spicy litalian and i completely lost all my image while eating it..(not that I have alot to start off with anyway..but..hehhe=))

ya, anyway! I was bitten by some horrible insects yesterday afternoon during GP lesson..and i thought it was some humongous mosquito attack. But apparently...my whole thingh was RED!!! like at least ten times the amplification of mozzie bites!!!!!!! and there were all the bulging out bubbles with some liquid and pus inside. Everyone including me was completely disgusted and grossed out. It's comparable (or even worse!) than having measels.-_-"""" It was soooo damn itchy and painful la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was like hell!!!!!! and so, i told jingxy about it today at the swimming pool (we were having mass pe) and he asked the teachers what strange thing it was. And the teachers were like "I think you better go to the doctor now!" Gosh!!! so they accompanied me to the clinic.(needed jingxy to help pay for the medical fees first!!) Anyway, he was like sooo excited about the whole thing, he went saying to cheryl and esther," eh..later if the doc decides to burst it or sth...remb to call me in hor! i wanna tape it down!"

ya...and so, the doc said it was some bad reaction from insect bites..plus infection which which caused the terrible swells. He actually burst all the bubbles using a warm needle. luckily didnt feel anything..-_-"" Phew man!!!!!! and they were sorta disappointed....cause a huge explosion or reuption of volcanoes was expected. I was like prescribed sooo much medicine and stuff for washing and application...the bill was $30. Ya. Luckily the walking atm was there!! Hehhee*^^*

yupz, so how's everything for all u guys?
Im like the one crapping all the stuff nowadays!!!!!!!!!
Update us k?=)

sealed with all my love,

ps) Jeanie, are you ok? Still seeing ur therapist? Worried about u neh...look on the bright side k? nothing is too difficult to overcome!!! have faith in urself!!!!!=)


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