falling into years

Wednesday, January 4

my first day of schl...

Halo pals!! im here to report m about my first dae of schl...well, as usual, i embarrass myself everywhere i go to...wad a bad day....

Anw here is one of the most embarrassing incident that happened: i was attending a trial math lesson in the lecture theathre...( btw i sort of got separated frm janice huihua and lumeng) so we started calling each other to find out where each other were... i was the one who initiated the call, i called janice, and after a while, Janice called me back. Guess Wad..... obviously my phone rang lar....haha. well, not so simple....itis embarrassing enough dat my phone rang very loudly in the middle of the lecture...but sth worst than that happened!! My ringtone, for dunno wad reason, changed to the ancient, primitive kind of (ring ring ,ring ring.) ringtone. Can u imagine!! Everybody turned and look nat me lor!!! trying to see whos the tu3 person .... i think i turn red frm head to toe lor... Sighz...

The second dae was not dat bad... we juz have to attend all the trial lessons....blah blah....
AND...i've chosen my subjects...They are: physics, chemistry, maths, and econs...
Oh yar, do u noe dat my schl starts at 8.30am every thursday?? dats so cool lor, can wake up later....

To jeanie: lisi wants me to convey a msg to u...she needs yr help regarding the LEP chi stuff...i think she basically wants to noe yr opinion abt the subject...yup so do try to help her take note of the things dat are taught in the first 3 months coz she isn't free in this period of time. A big thank you to you!!



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