falling into years

Monday, January 2

Entering a new reign of terror..

Before i start, here's a few PSs (since for some queer reason the comment function is not in use):
To all: hey ppl USE the tagboard k! It's there for a reason
To Wen Ying dear: the intro is for the "about" link .... (- . -")
To Fanny: We're suggesting a get-together at your house this friday or saturday.. (ALL comments on the tagboard please)
Well, school's starting tommorow.. I'm serious worried about many things. Namely:
1. Waking up early is gonna be really tough (Esp. if you consider the fact that i woke at 2pm this very day)

2. Orientation: according to adel, who has already got her hands on the OG list and whole Orientation timetables. The games are really going to "XIONG". And travelling around the school is already posing a dire threat to my pathetic existence. (the school's college section is like 1.5 bus-stop wide)

3.Subject Combi: with exception to NJ, most of the JCs have already confirmed the subject combi they're offering. But well, Hc's offer is not in the very least satisfactory*. Taking into account that I MUST take chinese language and literature(whom despite the word LITERATURE, HC refuses to accept it as a contrasting sub for the sciences). SEE: http://www.hwachong.edu.sg/newsEvents/SubjectCombiCodesJC12006.pdf .Thus, it seems that i have a long way to go to fight the dragons in Hc for my ideal combi: CLL/CHEM/BIO/MATHS.. Support me sisters. Plus, i think i've go to decide on 3rd Jan itself, as the first day of school as i've already found out, is an entire day of talks.

4.高处不胜寒 (go encoding -> unicode please). Well i'm like real scared as it is. Just yesterday, i've recieved a call from my OGL --- Zi Yang/Qiang( or whatever his name is) telling me the names of my OGLs --- the other is Glory Joy <- i think. And time to report blah blah... I wonder the purpose of this call for I have learnt like 90% of the call content from the not very frequently updated website (smth i can vouch for, as i check it like almost daily). But of course there may be those who do not check the webbie as often i supppose. But i'm moving off the point. The point being i'm in group 1, and as i've told shi tian before my msn died on me AGAIN, the first group is always the first one to die! And there's 36 groups with avg 20+ ppl and Adel's in grp 18. Thus it has been confirmed that i would barely get a glimspe of her through the whole thing.. SObs... I'm then practically alone... PLEADS: fanny crash HC... CRASH HC!

Phew! I'm feeling loads better now, having all those terrors off me off a while. But i'm still going to carry on this post... Though as seen thus far I AM the most lengthy blogger (i'm waiting for competition. Gals!) So those who find me to naggy can stop here. If not please read on. (but of course all of you will read on.. I know U love me)

In any case, this is the only year I've not written seriously my reflections for the prev year and my new year resolutions for this year ahead. I've not been busy of course, just bored. And in complete self-denial and delusion. It's esp. painful i guess to conclude 2005. And too big a change to step into 06. Well every year, since the past 9 years when we all stepped into the entrapping walls of PL, it has been monotonously easy for us to move into the new year. For we see the same people, go to the same compound. Now in a while, all has change and taken a turn that separates us into different directions. I miss all of you and will miss all of you.

"The most beautiful discovery true friends make is that they can grow separately without growing apart.”
Elisabeth Foley

With thot: jeanie ;)


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