falling into years

Friday, December 30


oh hi my beloved jeanie and fanny dearie!!!;)
i can finally get in le~!!*^^* but of course..there's still the "enable cookies" thingy at the other computer to gao3 ding4. but anyway...does wenying know about this???:P
so...term is starting soon...*WAHHHHH!!!!!!* i will miss all of you!!!!
fanny!!!! come together with me to sch la!! anyway u also nothing to do at home mah!!! then we can have lessons tgt!!!:) since the whole entire school will most probably not be in a very orderly state...it doesn't matter!!!!:)
sigh! btw..what subjects are u ppl choosing??? ur most beloved and lovely da jie here has already chosen wor!!!!:) plus! did i ever tell u guys that the school is filled with tkgs and cchs peeps? it's literally (and figuratively) a sea of green!!! oh my goodness~! we'll have "clean and green" week in school on a daily basis!! *OOPS!*
yupx...so i guess that's all for today!!! u guys must remember to post too wor!*^^*
yupz, and oh ya!! i'll be going for next year's cca fair. it's on 7th Jan!! so..remember!!those who miss me...ya know what to do eh? *winks!* =P
ok then..till we meet again..
miss me!*^^*

lotsa love,


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