falling into years

Sunday, January 1

Yoohoo Everyone!Well....there's one more day left b4 school reopens.................=p

Wow...juz ended a gathering party at my hse!As usual,my room is filled with toys and i have to tidy them.Hmm,juz tidied my toys and thought that maybe i could blog now.I may not be blogging these days becoz there is some problems wif my CPU and have to send for repair.But u all dun have to worry coz i will start blogging when my CPU comes back to me!

Eating some of the leftover Mee Siam my mum cooked.It's juz so nice......ps:to the four of u,come my hse one day and u will get to eat delicous desserts and have a mini chocolate buffet!=pDoesn't it sounds great?Feeling Hungry rite?Heehee...

Gotta help clear the house!Hear from me soon!
(Oh..and those who have not watched Ella Enchated,go watch it!It's an excellent movie!)

Grapefruit lover


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