falling into years

Saturday, December 31

Hapy New Year!*^^*

*A-hem*! To all my wonderfully wonderful (this is not an indication of mental retardation) sisters out there.....happy new year!!! woohoo!;) Initially, I thought that I might as well have a post when midnight strikes, but as you all people know...Sylvia here has an horrible habit of turning in early.

Yea anyway....I went out today to catch up up with my loooong lost friend....and somehow, i ended up going expo at night for CHC service. =S Don't ask me how...it's a long story. Seriously, i cant believe I went there either. Goodness gracious me!!!!! -_-"
And of course, I still don't understand why bad luck seems to be always on the go with me. ya. even on the last day of the year. Guess what? apparently, my slippers failed when I reached the bus stop.I got soooo mad that I started walking bare footed home. (note: the ground is stll awfully, disgustingly wet from the rain) Plus! It seriously didn't help much that the security guard started staring at me as if im some animal exhibit running loose from the zoo. -_-""

Reflections on the 2005? Nahz... all in all. I think it's one of my worst years ever.-_-"" so I guess there's no need for reflections after all. basically...I don't think Im making an overstatement if I say we have spent like more than three-quarters of the year being slaves to a pile of books and papers...now, isn't that pathetic?=S BUt anyway, think on the bright side!:) At the very least....laughter has been with us all year round!:) hahhaa.....i am sure gonna miss you guys next year.=X

But anyway...since the new year is coming real soon...let's all just put the past behind us and start afresh!:)

Begin Again

Every day is a fresh beginning;
Listen, my soul, to the old refrain,
And, spite of old sorrow and older sinning,
And puzzles forecasted and possible pain,
take heart with the day and begin again.

~Susan Coolidge

PS) Hey sisters!! Lets all give Jeanie dearie a standing ovation for all her hard work!!!:) I salute you!!!:)

cheerios from the ever technology idiot,


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